As the video will show I have a flat out crush on the cooking of Marcella Hazan. Though I’m not known at all for Italian food I believe that whomever is cooking great food is someone to learn from. She was born in 1924 in the Emilia-Romagna and earned a double graduate degree in science and biology from the University of Padua. She began her career as a science teacher. Gratefully love interceded when she met Victor Hazan and they married. He was a wine writer. They moved to New York and the science teacher soon became one of the great cooking teachers of the 20th century.
PS: The photo likely was from the series the City of Philadelphia put on for years titled, “The Book and the Cook”. We did it a number of times and got to meet some of the best in the industry. Along with Ms. Hazan is Chef Larry Forgione, another fine leader in American Cuisine.