A few years ago I put together a list of my ‘Treasure Cookbooks”. That list continue to grow as those of you who watch my TikTok series on them. One never stops learning if they are seriously alive. When you have the fortune to meet one of your hero authors as I have with Dr. Jessica Harris you are indeed fortunate. What a cool lady she is! Not a pretentious bone in her body but if she wanted to brag she surely would have the right. She is a bona fide scholar on the foodways of Africa and the Americas. She is also a fun person to sit with at a funky bar in Puerto Rico sipping some cold beers, snacking on something primal  and learning more about history and the entangled roots too few take time to ponder. The cookbook I talk about in the video here is one of her many gems. You cannot go wrong learning from Jessica Harris. You also might really enjoy the Netflix series “High On the Hog” which got its title from another one of the good doctor’s books. You can hear her resonant voice and see her elegant bearing. She graced me with some very kind words for a few of my books. But that is not why I write and speak here. It is because she has been a mentor and I’m grateful to her.

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