Home, Cooking

Home, Cooking, (Oxtails)

If you could read my words versus listening to them you would see that there is a comma between home and cooking. That is what have been doing. We have been home … cooking. And also ordering from our neighborhood restaurants that are valiantly struggling to keep the fires burning, their teams employed and their loyal guests nourished by the love that all of that entails. Thankfully it is keeping some of the restaurants afloat. It is great if you can order directly from the restaurants as the delivery apps take a big piece that could go to restauranteurs. 

Many are heading back to their kitchens. Some never left. The incredibly hectic pace of our modern lives has disconnected us from the place that so much sanity can be found in. I am hopeful and … I think that ultimately there will be very great things that will come out of all of this turmoil. We are already learning to slow down and learning … as our mothers told us, ‘take time to stop … and smell the daisies’. I say to also smell the sweet corn you shucked caramelizing in a pan or the ancient fragrance of a thick steak on a backyard grill perfuming the air. The sweep of centuries that taught us how to cook is nearly incalculable … Yet within a single generation or two the know how has all but of fallen into the abyss. Gamely there are families perusing cookbooks or internet sites or … better than any of those …. talking to grandma or phoning neighbors that still have the recipes and can provide guidance on how to rekindle knowledge and make home cooked foods. 


Now it’s time to hit the ‘Listen on WLRN’ button at the top to hear the remainder of my show. ‘A Word On Food’ airs on WLRN every Saturday around 8:30 a.m. at 91.3 and also 91.5 on the radio. I want to thank so many of you who tell me in person how much you are enjoying the show! Stay safe! We will get through this … and who knows … maybe become better as a society. Thank You.

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