Recently I was interviewed by Forever Oceans. They are a group intent on helping people have delicious and sustainable seafood. I first came to know of them via my friend and long time Chef Rick Moonen. Many know of Rick’s work already but if you don’t he’s become famous for his work with seafood in cuisine and his knowledge regarding the highest standards for it across the globe.
The interview is in the link. Please give it a listen when you have a bit of time.
Forever Oceans has been doing a series of them and the others that have spoken with Rick on the podcasts they’ve co-created include Jacques Pépin, Emeril Lagasse, Andrew Zimmern, David Burke, Rod Mitchell and Jasper White with more guests on the way. You can access all of them on the Forever Oceans website.
Read the below from their website to get an overview of their work.
“Forever Oceans brings together experts and technologies in engineering, infrastructure, biology, production, marketing, and more, to offer an integrated solution for environmentally friendly mariculture.
The Forever Oceans system includes recirculating aquaculture systems for fish breeding and an offshore platform designed to operate in potentially harsh offshore conditions. Production is streamlined through automation. Humans use a command and control interface to oversee and maintain robots performing the basic fish husbandry. Our innovative technologies and cloud-based software detect risks and allow us to operate greater efficiency than traditional approaches, they also reduce operational risks.
We deploy our solutions far offshore in deep waters where they enable cultivation of high quality fish in a clean, healthy, and natural environment.”