A Word on Food™ Radio Show

A Word On Food: Shakespearean Food

Shakespearean Food

Shakespeare wrote in his play, ‘As You Like It”,

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances”. I seem to have entered via the kitchen door… and thus far have never left that room for long.

Shakespeare mentions food in every one of his plays. He lived during Tudor times. It was a time of more food variation than we might assume. Animal husbandry was undergoing new innovations. Gardens featured greens like spinach, sorrel and mustard were enjoyed.

Outside the famed Globe Theater during these Elizabethan times, food was sold in stalls much like a county fair today. People were cooking meat on portable spits. They would have included everything from venison to goat, lamb, rabbits, mutton, swans and herons.


Now it’s time to hit the ‘Listen on WLRN’ button at the top to hear the remainder of my show. ‘A Word On Food’ airs on WLRN every Saturday around 8:30 a.m. at 91.3 and also 91.5 on the radio. I want to thank so many of you who tell me in person how much you are enjoying the show!

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