Joyce Carol Oates wrote, “In a time of social distancing writers find themselves, surprisingly, at an advantage. Ever adaptable, we humans are also the storytelling species: No matter the technology, no matter the grimness of our condition, we want to be told stories.
In November of 1959 a delicious story began at a rural corner of a South Dade farm field. An eight year old boy by the name of Robert Moehling was given the task to sell an excess of the family’s cucumbers.
The way I have heard the tale …. and any tale told as often as this one has every right to have a slightly curvy road … was that he sold not a one his very first day. His exasperated father took a storm shutter and spray painted “Robert is Here” in cursive lettering.
Now it’s time to hit the ‘Listen on WLRN’ button at the top to hear the remainder of my show. ‘A Word On Food’ airs on WLRN every Saturday around 8:30 a.m. at 91.3 and also 91.5 on the radio. I want to thank so many of you who tell me in person how much you are enjoying the show!