I mostly talk about food here. And I will be doing that with this show. But it is impossible to speak about food without remembering the farms that make it available to us. The poet, philosopher and farmer Wendell Berry put it so well when he wrote, “Eating is an agricultural act”. We can’t eat without our farmers. Simple as that. Long before the phrase ‘farm to table’ …which some chefs wear like a crown on their own heads … people like John and Sukey Jamison were making it possible for me to provide the highest level of lamb for the guests I was cooking for.
Now it’s time to hit the ‘Listen on WLRN’ button at the top to hear the remainder of my show. ‘A Word On Food’ airs on WLRN every Saturday around 8:30 a.m. at 91.3 and also 91.5 on the radio. I want to thank so many of you who tell me in person how much you are enjoying the show!